Now I am neither a celebrity nor did I get distressed enough to want to punch Ashton Kucher....but this was pretty funny what happened:
I logged on to the results page in high anticipation to see the results. Remember it was only a 20% acceptance rate so my fingers were crossed. At the top of the lottery results page...

...I was so nervous I could barely scroll down. Finally I mustered the courage to slide the mouse down the page looking for my name, and this is what I saw:

Note the name "stephen taylor" on the results page....I immediately jumped up and started running around yelling "woo woo I'm doing the Western States 100 oh yeah!!!," or something like that. Upon turning my gaze back to the page I was to realize that I had just been Punk'd.....

The "stephen taylor" who was drawn from the lottery is from "New bedford, Massachusettes," whereas I am from Nashville, TN. The only consolation that I have is that he does not know how to capitalize our name. Oh yeah, and there are lots of other fun activities and races to do. Now I just have to decide what I want to do. And you can bet I will be in the WS100 Lotto next year.
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