That is the words of wisdom that one of my early cycling mentors told me. And its true...the body requires a certain amount of fat to survive and thrive. And not the kind of fat that my friend who is on the Atkins diet eats. No, do not eat piles of bacon, boxes of chicken mcnuggets, and plates of bunless cheeseburgers.
Rather, the kind of fat you want to eat is plant and fish-based fat. This is of the mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated varieties. These sources of fat provide your body the necessary nutrients without the negative health downsides of saturated fat. They also help keep your ratio of omega-3 and Omega-6 in appropriate balance, which provides a natural anti-inflammatory effect for the body.
Appropriate sources of fat include: avacados, olives and olive oil, nuts, flax, and fish (preferrably wild-caught cold water fish.)
And so from the context of the health benefits of avacados, let me recommend for you to seek out this product, Jason's Guac Starter.

"Jason's Starter Guac" is by Jason McConnell, owner of SOL and Red Pony in downtown Franklin, TN. You can also get this delicious guacamole at SOL. Whether you eat the store-bought version or directly from the kitchen at Sol, however, I recommend that you eat it in moderate amounts. Not like I did the last time I went to Sol after a long ride, when I ate a whole order myself.
Just across the street is The Red Pony. Whereas Sol is a great southwest-themed restaurant that you can go to for post-ride beers and grub, The Red Pony is where I took Susan last Valentine's Day. It is a sophisticated and classy restaurant, so I got dressed up and put on my smooth moves. The Red Pony sponsors Team TOA-Gibbs, and Jason's wife Fran is an accomplished triathlete.
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