During the race he spends quite a bit of time doing routine tasks with no more than a passing amount of emo. For instance, in the above pictures he is reaching for an energy gel, then consuming the contents. Clearly this gel offers no more excitement than the notion of "this energy gel will help keep me from bonking." Not that exciting. Hence, minimal emo.

Here he is again, with a paucity of emo. You can see just a few glimmers of "Dear lord my legs hurt," or "how much longer to the finish line" slightly revealed on his face. But for the most part there is nothing dramatic going on in any emo-related capacity.

But then he starts to show a glimmer of that big emo as he approaches within sprinting distance to the finish line. Or rather, "flying distance" to the finish line. As his "emo sunshine" starts to break through the dark clouds of "fatigued-and-emoless-man-running-a-half-iron-triathlon."
Now the power of emo takes over at this point and Gary literally flies across the finish line.

Note how his un-suppressable smile is so intense it is actually whipping his head to the side. At the same time he is just starting to launch into orbit of the earth.

Here the emo has caused him to completely take flight.

And in this picture he is mostly back to the ground, except the facial emo is still being expressed. By this time the emo fist pump has been added to the situation.
And just to prove he--literally--flew across the finish line:

Here is a picture of Gary visibly several feet off the ground, and levitating across the finish line.
This is not the act of a normal human mortal. I know Gary as I have coached him for some time. What you see in these pictures is the superhuman effects of emo.
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