Friday, January 9, 2009

Coaching Philosophy Revisited

Re-read my editorial on FFF today and realize that I forgot two very important points of my philosophy. I think I was just on a rant because of a conversation I had with somebody. It is funny when other people view us different as we view ourselves. The content of that article is reprinted below

But I really wanted to add to that the following:

Comprehensive: I offer a product that covers all the bases you need. Group Training includes multiple workouts per week in swim, bike, run, and strength/stretch. You can focus on what you need with workouts at your level, with other athletes, under the watchful eye of a coach, in the sports that you want to focus on. You also get written training plans coordinated with the group workouts. Sponsors love this team--you get free schwag.

Some people like to have more than one coach telling them what to do. Be careful that the multiple programs work well together. If you want to train with another specialty coach, the STtrainer training plan will help you figure out how to incorporate both programs. (There are some great coaches around, consider Excel Aquatics.)

Amazing Value: $99/month.

My basic group training plan offers Training Plans, group workouts, sponsors, in-person coaching, and e-mail/phone contacts. Workouts are at times that make sense. At a price that most any athlete can afford.

If you want the deluxe individual coaching program let me know. We can do 1-on-1 workouts, I can write you a highly individualized training plan. That is the premium plan, and you will have a premium experience.

Here is the article that I wrote in the FFF:

True the Wheel refers to part of my philosophy on strength/stretch training. Do you know how to do it? Check out the article [link here.]

Coaching Philosophy
As a coach I have to make sure my personal wheel runs true. I want to be at my best as a coach when I am called to serve you.

Some people love my style, some people don't. But at least you can know what my style is. Here are a few points of my coaching philosophy:

1) Aim for Improvement. You may be starting from scratch or aiming for the stars. I will treat you with the same high regard. My repoitoire includes teaching you the techniques that improve performance, stoking your motivation, and preparing you for what you will experience on race day.

2) Strategic Training. Don't just train harder, also train smarter. Your common sense, your emotions, and your friends may not instruct you the best way to train. Learn when to show restraint, when to bust your butt, and learn to tell the difference. In 20 years of running, 11 years of triathlon, and 8 years of coaching I have pretty good idea what works.

3) Fun. Not the kind of ha-ha, joking around fun. Not catching up with a close friend over coffee fun. Not being part of the in-crowd fun. But rather the deeply satisfying feeling that you have discovered what you are truly capable of, worked hard, and achieved goals that once seemed impossible.

That is my coaching style, the wheel runs true, no apologies.

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