Wednesday, April 29, 2009

1 Month on PowerCranks

Photo: The set-up.

I have been riding my PowerCranks for about 1 month now, and it sure has been interesting. There have been some difficult times.

During this time I have had chronically achy hip flexors, and tight lower back. This is probably because I ignored the very well-intentioned recommendations to start with very short rides and build up gradually. My first ride was an hour and 15 minutes. I have ridden up to 40 miles in one day. And I have hobbled around with a tremendous amount of pain since then.

Actually I believe what happened is I tightened my hip flexors and that pulled my back tight. In any case I was having a lot of pelvis and a TON of low back pain. This was important feedback and I set a few changes into motion:

1) Major hip flexor stretching. I started doing an intense hip flexor stretch for about 10 minutes per day. Here runner-swimmer Jamie M. demonstrates my most intense version:

2) Core strength. I have a strong core but the feedback from the PowerCranks intitiated me to do more leg lifts with the lumbar spine pressed to the floor.

The PowerCranks have given me some very useful positioning feedback. The idea is, if you can't ride your tri position with PowerCranks, then it is not optimized. Well, mine wasn't optimized. The main thing I figured out is to slide as far forward as possible. Really get out on the tip of the saddle (and mine is already slid all the way forward on the rails.) This really opens up the hip angle, making it possible to generate a lot more power. With an optimally forward position, your legs aren't fighting each other. It is full-circle pedaling, full-circle power.

Photo: Struggling in the tri position on my first ride.

Okay this may sound bad so far, but there has been some great breakthroughs. Here are the positive changes I have noticed after one month:

1) Significantly increased torque, I barely use my little ring at all now.

2) Improved timing between sides. Namely, when one foot is pushing down, the other is pulling up; when one is pushing forward, the other back. Initially the pedals were doing kind of a "catch-up drill," which is incorrect. Now I can pedal with my feet at perfect 180-degree orientation, even thought the Cranks are independent.

Photo: Note the 160-degree orientation of the Cranks during my first ride.

3) More powerful AND aero tri position. I am just scratching the surface of my new forward position. I anticipate being able to drop 1-3 cm of spacers from the headset.

4) I said my back and hips were in a lot of pain for the first few weeks. That is just now getting better. Just yesterday I was doing a few pick-ups on a trail run and I noticed a greater ease with the "heel to butt" phase of the run stride. Namely, it was easier to follow through and pick my legs up. I am looking forward to experiencing more of this.

More to follow. If you want to purchase PowerCranks, let me know. I have the hook-up.

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