Photo: Vanderbilt Triathlon Club during Fall Boot Camp, Sept 2008.
For the three years that I have swam here, and I don't know how long before this time, swimmers have peacefully co-existed with sailboats, rowers, and other users of this area. Lately there has been a movement among some stakeholders to ban swimming at this location.
Photo: The nice thing about Hamilton Creek is that novices can swim in shallow water that they can stand up in.
As the plan currently exists, the next time you attend this location there will be signs that say "NO SWIMMING." However, we have the opportunity to take action on this issues. A supportive campaign of e-mails have the potential to sway opinion of those who determine policies for this area.
Photo: Open water swimming is great exercise, and a wonderful way to enjoy the natural area of Percy Priest Lake. It is only recommended for experienced swimmers, confident in your swimming abilities, brightly colored caps, and in the presence with others.
These are the individuals you should contact via e-mail if you wish to voice your support in favor of allowing open water swimming at Hamilton Creek Marina.
Board of Parks and Recreation (Click on the name for e-mail address.)
Mr. Stan Fossick, Chairperson
Mid-South Wire Co.
1070 Visco Drive
Nashville, TN 37210
H: 373-2153 O: 743-2890 C:351-6867
(term expiration-April 30, 2010)Ms. Ivanetta Davis Samuels, Vice-chairperson
929 Russell Street
Nashville, TN 37206
H: 258-3575 O: 327-6419
(term expiration – April 30, 2013)Justice Adolpho A. Birch, Jr.
401 Bowling Avenue, #78
Nashville, TN 37205
H: 269-7701
(term expiration-March 30, 2011)Mr. James Lawson
3969 Lloyd Road
Whites Creek, TN 37189
O: 936-6070 H: 876-3988 C: 429-5809
(term expiration-April 30, 2012)Mr. George Anderson
2220 Woodmont Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37215
C: 300-5234
(term expiration-April 30, 2014)Ms. Karen Johnson (Appointee from the School Board)
P.O. Box 17131
Nashville, TN 37217
H: 367-3010 W: 532.6251 C: 977-6721
annual appointmentMs. Tonya Jones (Appointee from Planning Commission)
Mark IV Enterprises, Inc.
209 10th Avenue South, Suite 411
Nashville, TN 37203
O: 259-1688
annual appointment (May 24,2008)