Thursday, January 15, 2009

Heart Rate Training Zones

Frank F. is a highly motivated dude who is targeting a half marathon PR this spring. He receives an individualized training plan, he attends Navy Seals, and he is dilligent with his run training. Part of the program I have designed for him is for him to learn to run at the proper pace and HR for different kinds of training.

For instance, recovery runs should be in Zone 2 (very easy/easy.) Long runs and moderate distance runs should be in Zone 2-Zone 3 (easy-moderate.) And intensity running should be in Zone 4-5 (hard/very hard.)

He calculated his HR zones using some math and determined the following zones:

1-2: 90-126 / 3: 126-144 / 4: 144-162 / 5: 162-180

I encouraged him to get a VO2 test done by Fitnesswave and this was the results:

1-2: 106-138 / 3: 138-163 / 4: 163-174 / 5: 174-177

Notice the discrepancy. Almost 1 zone up! You might wonder what is involved in a VO2 test. See the video here.

I assure you a zone-based training plan begins and ends with your discipline and willingness to adjust to the recommended zones. Half the time you will be going slower than you want to and at other times you will need to step it up. But if you are willing to use this incredibly effective training strategy, wouldn't you like to know that you are working with the correct numbers?

Frank had complained, "this feels to slow" after doing his Zone 2-3 runs. Yes it is true that it takes discipline to hold back. But he now has the peace of mind knowing that he is in the correct zone and can run faster.

By the way, Frank has set personal best times in the last two 5K's he's ran. You will see him frequently this Spring on the Results blog page.

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